Pond Boats vs. Rough-Water Boats

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Pond Boats vs. Rough-Water Boats

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Re: Pond Boats vs. Rough-Water Boats

Here's my two cents worth:  It's the classic boat discussion of "what's the intended use?"  

I've never liked the pounding of a flat bottom boat.  But I've always used my boats on bigger water where things like weather and waves change quickly and the consequences can be severe.  A more seaworthy 'V' or round bottom hull shape will be dryer, safer and inspire more confidence with a weather change five miles from port.

The advantages of a flat bottom, especially for a fly fisherman on small water, is undeniable.  Light weight.  Simple construction.  Excellent initial stability.  In contrast, a 'V' or round hull shape will be much more tender, must have a more complex and therefore heavier structure, but you might be able to ride out those blustery days should you choose.

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Re: Pond Boats vs. Rough-Water Boats

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Re: Pond Boats vs. Rough-Water Boats

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Re: Pond Boats vs. Rough-Water Boats

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Re: Pond Boats vs. Rough-Water Boats

Pretty boat.  I'm (obviously) not as bothered by holding stuff together with wires 'till I glue it.  Really, the wires in S&G just replace very long clamps in clinker construction.  But I understand the hesitation.  

It would be interesting to 'v' one of your prams, stretch it a little to 9' or even longer.  Could be a good performer.  But maybe not something you want to stand and cast from...