My Favorite Part of Boat-building

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My Favorite Part of Boat-building

Of the many tasks to build a boat, none is more satisfying than planing down the gunnel assembly. In mere minutes and a blizzard of chips, a smooth curve is produced. Gone are the slight mismatches of parts. Gone are the glue drips and squeeze outs. All that's left is clean, shaped wood that invites caress by eye and hand.  

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Re: My Favorite Part of Boat-building


This post is a really good, brief article for the newsletter!  Hmm...  Maybe we could drive more traffic here if we have a regular newsletter column about the forum.  We could just pick up an interesting post and publish it.  

What do you think?

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Re: My Favorite Part of Boat-building

This post was updated on .

I'd love to see more traffic in this forum, and I don't understand why there aren't more than just me and you showing up. Compared to other boat-building forums, such as Wooden Boat, Boat Design, etc., this is the easiest forum to deal with.. Uploading photos is far easier here, and it's possible to edit one's own posts, so that mis-statements aren't immortalized in the foreverness of the web.

The reason I post here isn't so much as to solicit comment, which I'd welcome, or to "blog", but to work out problems. Often when an aspect of boat-building is giving me problems,  I try to write about it on the theory that, if I can explain something to someone else, it's likely I can explain it to myself.

I can't believe the demographics of Rivers West includes mostly people for whom using the internet isn't a part of their lives. More probably, they are posting elsewhere. So why not here, which should be "home base" for them? But how many members still don't know RW has a forum, even after your article in a previous issue?

Lots of question. No answers.


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Re: My Favorite Part of Boat-building


The interesting thing about this Forum is that obviously more people read this than actually post to it.  If you look at the 'reads' vs. 'posts' this is pretty obvious.  Not sure how to encourage more 'authorship'.  I'm going to suggest a regular newsletter feature.

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Re: My Favorite Part of Boat-building

Mark ,

Most of the 'view count' is due to me editing or re-reading my own posts, not new viewers. I know John Ost has read occasionally here, and once, when I linked this forum at the Wooden Boats Forum, traffic bumped up quite a bit. Ask Craig if he can identify 'viewers' by their IP address. I'd bet the number of unique addresses --hence, different viewers-- is quite tiny.

Again, I cannot understand why this is so. The forum is easy to use, and it could be a really good resource for them wanting a quick answer to a boat-building problem they're trying to solve.
