Good daggerboard, case, spars, rudder for family boat build boats

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Good daggerboard, case, spars, rudder for family boat build boats

Hi folks, Annika here. I've been very busy with school starting, but I've got lots of encouragement from my faculty to finish out the boat hull I got put together at the family boat build this year!

Wondering if people can point me in the direction of good plans for quick, simple and effective dagger board, spar and rudder designs for converting to sail (probably balancing lug). Either online or specific books.

I'll probably swing back by the workshop soon to take more pictures of the sailing version that's up in the loft space, but I'm curious if people have strong opinions about better or simpler designs than those.

Since I also don't have much fabrication experience I wouldn't mind any help someone might want to give with foil shaping and spar construction especially.

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Re: Good daggerboard, case, spars, rudder for family boat build boats


I regret that your post went unanswered for so long. This forum could be a good way for members to share photos of work in progress and to ask and answer questions. Regrettably, that isn't happening. But don't give up. Keep posting and encourage others to do so, even those who might not (yet) be a Riverswest member.

As for how to build your Salt Bay for sailing, John Ost (as you know) is the best resource. Good luck with the project.
