Epoxy & Pricing

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Epoxy & Pricing

I've been using Silvertip as my go-to epoxy for years.  It's thin, so it's great for laminating, takes standard fillers well, is consistent and non-blushing,  And more expensive than many other epoxies.  

Recently I needed to renew my supply and compared prices on a 1/2 gallon of fast harder and a gallon of resin.  I was surprised to find that Fisheries Supply was the most competitive, over my old standby Fiberglass Supply and our in-town favorite: Crosscut - even with the 10% RW discount.

Fisheries not only had the best price, but they shipped for free.  It basically worked out to about a 20% discount from the System Three published price with free shipping.  Heck of a deal!

So that should get us going on a topic:  What's your go-to epoxy and why?  
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Re: Epoxy & Pricing

Hi Charlie,

I won't get into an epoxy preference conversation with a boat builder - it's a losing proposition.  The truth is that the devil you know is always preferable to the devil you don't know.  I like my devil and you like yours.  Cause it's what we know.

Individual product preferences aside, the point of this post was  to point out that these guys (Fisheries) have consistently good pricing on a variety of products.  What's more is that once you meet the minimum purchase, shipping is free - big deal on epoxy.  Since they are in the Seattle area, the free shipping is fast.  My last order was place one afternoon and a day and a half later, it arrived.  Good service.

