Designing Short to Avoid Scarfing Planks

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Designing Short to Avoid Scarfing Planks

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Re: Designing Short to Avoid Scarfing Planks


I found it interesting that the Shellback was designed to fully utilize three sheets of 4' X 8' X 6mm ply - one of which is cut in half and scarfed to the ends of the other two.  The two 12' nominal sheets yield an 11'-2" hull when combined with a half sheet of 10' 12mm.  It's like most boats in that Joel White was  very economical in use of materials in some cases - not so much in others.

Unfortunately, most suppliers aren't too interested in stocking 10' sheets of ply.  It would make a roughly 9'-6" hull easier to achieve.  What we really need is a puzzle joint jig for a router!
