Ash Tray complete!

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Ash Tray complete!


Completed my my first build under the guidance of John Ost. Up until meeting John I had never even used a table saw. So endless thanks to you John for everything.

Ash Tray is a Phil Bolger Elegant Punt. Building began in October and many cold days were spend in the shop during the winter. We broke several mahogany chines trying to bend them to Ash Trays severe sheer line in the cold. Her hull was finished with tung oil. And a sprit rig was added using laminated cedar spars.

Julia, John and I christened the boat and I rowed and sailed her to sellwood. It took a full 24 hours at a leisurely pace. I love the way she rows. She feels powerful. Under sail she performs well with a boom but performance suffers boomless. She didn't sail well boomless because the clew of the sail was aft of the transom making trimming the sail hopeless. I have been using her for a couple of weeks now, no leaks and lots of compliments. Wooden boats are the best :)

Thank you to:
Mark for the lesson on planes
Charlie for tidbits of wisdom and his frequent visits to the shop
And Riverswest in general for providing such a great place to learn and build.-Charlie
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Re: Ash Tray complete!

Congratulations!   To go along with this post, a photo of the sailor and his boat after a major voyage:

This was taken by John Ost & then I edited a little bit.  I'll get you the original image, Charlie.